Design research project - Transition Design

Design research project - Transition Design

Curious about how design can be used to bring about transitions in society, I used my second design research project to explore this topic. After analyzing the existing literature, I discovered the Transition Design framework and identified opportunities to further extend it. I focused on finding methods to make the Transition Design approach more actionable and easier to implement in a practical sense.

During the project, I gained a better understanding of the transformational qualities of design and how they are addressed in different frameworks and theories within the design research community. As I did not have a coach in the DIGSIM squad with theoretical knowledge in this area, I had to take a more self-directed and autonomous approach to my design research. This enabled me to develop a better understanding of the ways in which design research can be used to create a positive impact in a complex world, which became a guiding principle in my development as a designer.