Design project - Finite Design for a sustainable internet

Design project - Finite Design for a sustainable internet

I wanted to include my Final Bachelor Project in this portfolio because it was a pivotal point in my development as a designer. In this project, I studied the future of the internet from a societal and ecological point of view. Based on my vision of design at that time, I came up with the notion of ‘Finite Design’ as a discipline embracing the finitude of our life on earth and the value of our planet beyond being a resource. I designed and built a concept for a decentralized and solar-powered internet that adheres to natural human movement patterns. I also set guidelines for creating web experiences for this new kind of network infrastructure.

This project was a pivotal moment in my design journey. It was the first time I was able to bring the knowledge from my philosophy minor into practice and truly consider a design case’s societal context. By engaging with this project, I was able to understand my own motivations and interests in a way that I hadn't before. It was then that I knew that this was the kind of design that I wanted to pursue.